- #2756
GRIN मूल्य
मार्केट कैप
$1.51 Mरैंक #2756FDV
$1.51 Mरैंक #2565विस्तृत प्रदर्शन
GRIN दिखाता है बियरिश संकेतों को विभिन्न समयावधि में शीर्ष क्रिप्टोकरेंसियों, अग्रणी श्रेणियों और ब्लॉकचेन के खिलाफ
GRIN to USD कनवर्टर
मूल्य इतिहास
- सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
- $259.5216896x to ATH
- सबसे कम
- $0.013831.11x to ATL
- ट्रेड लॉन्च की तिथि
- 27 Jan, 2019
2235 दिन पहले
Exchanges type
बारे में GRIN
Grin is a privacy-preserving digital currency that is built openly by developers from around the world. It is designed to be a decentralized and censorship-resistant platform for electronic transactions. Grin uses a technology called Mimblewimble, which allows for the removal of past transaction data without compromising security. This helps to avoid the blockchain becoming too burdensome with data. Grin has no amounts or addresses, and transactions can be easily aggregated. It is not controlled by any company, foundation, or individual, and its coin distribution is designed to be fair. Grin was launched without an initial coin offering (ICO), pre-mine, or founder's reward, and instead relies on donations to support its development.
What makes Grin unique?
Grin is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in several ways. Firstly, it is designed to be a privacy-preserving digital currency, utilizing the Mimblewimble protocol. This protocol allows past transaction data to be removed from the blockchain without compromising security, ensuring that Grin does not become burdened by excessive data storage.
Additionally, Grin has no amounts or addresses associated with transactions, making it difficult to trace and providing a higher level of privacy. Transactions can also be easily aggregated, further enhancing privacy and scalability.
Another unique aspect of Grin is its fair launch and distribution. There was no ICO, pre-mine, or founder's reward, making it a community-driven project. The emission of Grin coins is set at a constant rate of 1 GRIN per second, ensuring a fair distribution over time.
Furthermore, Grin is not controlled by any company, foundation, or individual. It is developed openly by a distributed team of developers from all around the world. This decentralized nature ensures that Grin remains free from centralized control and censorship.
Overall, Grin stands out for its emphasis on privacy, scalability, fair distribution, and decentralization, making it a unique and promising cryptocurrency for the future.
लाइव मूल्य डेटा
Grin (GRIN) की वर्तमान कीमत लगभग $0.01536 है, कमी -1.92% पिछले 24 घंटों में पिछले 24 घंटों में GRIN ट्रेडिंग वॉल्यूम $3,309.12 पर है। Grin का मार्केट कैप वर्तमान में $1.51 मिलियन है, जो कुल क्रिप्टो मार्केट कैप का लगभग < 0.01% है। GRIN की सर्कुलटिंग सप्लाई 98.21 मिलियन है।
एक्सचेंजों की विस्तृत सूची के लिए, हमारे पर जाएँ क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज पेज. समय के साथ Grin के प्रदर्शन को समझने के लिए, इसकी पर विचार करें मूल्य हिस्ट्री और ROI. GRIN पर गहन विश्लेषण और अंतर्दृष्टि के लिए, देखें क्रिप्टो इनसाइट पेज.
GRIN to USD कनवर्टर
मूल्य इतिहास
- सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
- $259.5216896x to ATH
- सबसे कम
- $0.013831.11x to ATL
- ट्रेड लॉन्च की तिथि
- 27 Jan, 2019
2235 दिन पहले