- #4269
Stride Staked Juno STJUNO
STJUNO मूल्य
रेंज चयनकर्ता।
रेंज चयनकर्ता।
मार्केट कैप
$655,703.19रैंक #4269FDV
$655,703.19रैंक #6957निवेशक
X फॉलोअर्स
विस्तृत प्रदर्शन
STJUNO दिखाता है न्यूट्रल व्यवहार विभिन्न समयावधि में शीर्ष क्रिप्टोकरेंसियों, अग्रणी श्रेणियों और ब्लॉकचेन के खिलाफ
STJUNO to USD कनवर्टर
मूल्य इतिहास
- सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
- $1.225.26x to ATH
- सबसे कम
- $0.10072.30x to ATL
- ट्रेड लॉन्च की तिथि
- 11 Jan, 2023
740 दिन पहले
बारे में STJUNO
Stride Staked Juno refers to the process of staking Juno tokens on the Stride platform. Stride allows users to stake their Juno tokens and earn staking rewards in return. By staking Juno on Stride, users can participate in securing the Juno network and receive incentives for their contributions.
What makes Stride Staked Juno unique?
Stride Staked Juno (STJUNO) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies due to its liquid staking feature and the benefits it offers to stakers. Here are some key points that make Stride Staked Juno unique:
1. Liquid Staking: Stride allows users to stake their Juno tokens (the native cryptocurrency of the Juno blockchain) and receive liquid staked Juno tokens (STJUNO) in return. This means that stakers can maintain the liquidity of their staked assets and freely trade or transfer them while still earning staking rewards.
2. Maximizing Rewards: Stride aims to provide 100% of the protocol's staking rewards to stakers. This ensures that stakers can fully benefit from their participation in the Juno network and earn a competitive return on their staked assets.
3. Potential Competitor to Lido: Stride has been recognized as a potential competitor to Lido, an established liquid staking provider. With its innovative approach and dominance in the Cosmos liquid staking market, Stride has the potential to become a major player in the industry.
4. Secure and Minimalist Blockchain: Stride operates on a secure and minimalist blockchain. This ensures the safety and integrity of staked assets, providing peace of mind to stakers.
5. Transparent Fee Structure: Stride charges a small fee of 10% from the staking rewards of liquid staked tokens. This fee is adjustable through on-chain governance, and the proceeds are managed by Stride's governance. The transparent fee structure ensures fairness and sustainability for the platform.
Overall, Stride Staked Juno offers a unique combination of liquid staking, competitive rewards, security, and transparency, making it an attractive option for stakers in the cryptocurrency market.
लाइव मूल्य डेटा
Stride Staked Juno (STJUNO) की वर्तमान कीमत लगभग $0.232 है, कमी -0.76% पिछले 24 घंटों में पिछले 24 घंटों में STJUNO ट्रेडिंग वॉल्यूम $3,861.13 पर है। Stride Staked Juno का मार्केट कैप वर्तमान में $655,703.19 है, जो कुल क्रिप्टो मार्केट कैप का लगभग < 0.01% है। STJUNO की सर्कुलटिंग सप्लाई 2.83 मिलियन है।
एक्सचेंजों की विस्तृत सूची के लिए, हमारे पर जाएँ क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज पेज. समय के साथ Stride Staked Juno के प्रदर्शन को समझने के लिए, इसकी पर विचार करें मूल्य हिस्ट्री और ROI. STJUNO पर गहन विश्लेषण और अंतर्दृष्टि के लिए, देखें क्रिप्टो इनसाइट पेज.
आधिकारिक लिंक
STJUNO to USD कनवर्टर
मूल्य इतिहास
- सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
- $1.225.26x to ATH
- सबसे कम
- $0.10072.30x to ATL
- ट्रेड लॉन्च की तिथि
- 11 Jan, 2023
740 दिन पहले