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  • #4689

Lightning Protocol LIGHT


Zakres Cen--

Kapitalizacja Rynkowa 

--Ranga #4689


$1.73 MRanga #4973


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Szczegółowa Wydajność


LIGHT wykazuje Niedźwiedzi znaki w porównaniu z czołowymi kryptowalutami, wiodącymi kategoriami i blockchainami w różnych okresach czasu

Para Handlowa1h24h7d1m3m1y

LIGHT to USD Konwerter


Historia Ceny

Najwyższa Cena w Historii
60.55x to ATH
Najniższa Cena w Historii
13.14x to ATL
Data Rozpoczęcia Handlu
13 Mar, 2021
1283 dni temu


Exchanges type

PancakeSwap (v2)


Lightning Protocol is a deflationary and supply elastic protocol in the crypto space. It operates through a dynamic burn rate, which is applied to Buy/Sell orders. Unlike other protocols, it does not have negative rebases and is fully deflationary. Transactions between wallets and those interacting with the future ecosystem are not taxed to ensure usability. Lightning Incubator, a platform that supports new projects in the crypto space, is associated with Lightning Protocol.

What makes Lightning Protocol unique?

Lightning Protocol is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is the first fully deflationary and supply elastic protocol. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, there are no negative rebases in Lightning Protocol, making it fully deflationary. It works through a dynamic burn rate applied to each Buy/Sell order, ensuring its deflationary nature. Additionally, transactions between wallets and transactions that interact with the future ecosystem are not taxed to ensure usability. The protocol also has a maximum supply of 100 million tokens, with a significant portion reserved for long-term use to maintain the health of the Lightning ecosystem. Furthermore, Lightning Protocol offers various incentives, such as the Lightning Trading Competition and Lightning Liquidity Rush, to encourage LP Providers and enhance trading volume. These unique features set Lightning Protocol apart from other cryptocurrencies in the market.

Dane Ceny na Żywo Lightning Protocol

Aktualna cena Lightning Protocol (LIGHT) wynosi około $0.01734, odzwierciedlając spadek o -5.47% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Wolumen handlu LIGHT w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynosi $636.79.

Aby uzyskać pełną listę giełd, odwiedź naszą stronę giełd kryptowalut. Aby zrozumieć wydajność Lightning Protocol na przestrzeni czasu, rozważ zbadanie jego historii cen i ROI. Aby uzyskać dogłębną analizę i wgląd w LIGHT, sprawdź naszą stronę wglądu w kryptowaluty.

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