ড্রপট্যাব লোগো - ক্রিসমাস সজ্জা সহ একটি জলের বিন্দুর আকার চিত্রিত করে নীল রেখা
মার্কেটক্যাপ$2.19 T 4.48%২৪ ঘন্টার ভলিউম $125.73 B -90.81%BTC$62,960.23 4.60%ETH$2,467.55 5.79%S&P 500$5,713.47 1.70%সোনা$2,586.78 1.08%বিটিসি ডমিনেন্স56.75%
  • N/T

War Bond WBOND

আমাদের ঠিকঠাক ট্রেডিং ডেটা নেই।

এটি বিভিন্ন কারণের জন্য মনে করা হতে পারে, যেমন সীমিত এক্সচেঞ্জ দ্রব্যতা বা ডিলিস্টিং। অথবা এটি হতে পারে এমন এক্সচেঞ্জগুলির জন্য সহায়তা প্রদান করতে অক্ষম।


শীর্ষ অনুসরণকারীগণ



আরো দেখুন
0.01xUSD ROI
0.01xBTC ROI
0.01xETH ROI
ICO মূল্য
মোট তহবিল উত্থাপিত
$2.83 M
মোট টোকেন বিক্রি
218.00 M WBOND

সম্পর্কে WBOND

War Bond is a token in the Tank Wars Zone game. It is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that can be earned or obtained through gameplay. It is used as a currency within the game to purchase in-game items, upgrades, and other features. War Bond tokens can also be traded or sold on the game's marketplace. The game emphasizes play-to-earn mechanics, allowing players to accumulate War Bonds by participating in various game modes such as PVE, PVP, Battle Royale, and fighting against world bosses.

What makes War Bond unique?

War Bond (WBOND) is a unique cryptocurrency because it is the native token of Tank Wars Zone, a fully decentralized play-to-earn battle game built on blockchain technology. Here are some key features that make War Bond unique:
1. Play-to-Earn: War Bond allows players to earn rewards by playing the Tank Wars Zone game. Players can participate in various game modes, such as PVE, PVP, Battle Royale, and World Boss battles, and earn rare NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as rewards.
2. Low Transaction Fees: Since Tank Wars Zone is built on the Fantom blockchain and invested by the Fantom Foundation, War Bond benefits from very low transaction fees. This ensures that players can freely and cost-effectively engage in in-game transactions.
3. Supportive Communities: War Bond and Tank Wars Zone have supportive communities that are dedicated to the game and its development. Being invested by the Fantom Foundation, the game has a strong backing and a growing community of players and enthusiasts.
4. Unique NFT Marketplace: Tank Wars Zone has its own NFT marketplace, where players can buy, sell, and trade their collected NFTs. These NFTs represent tanks of different rarities and can be a valuable asset within the game and in the wider NFT market.
Overall, War Bond stands out as a cryptocurrency by providing a unique gaming experience with play-to-earn mechanics, low transaction fees, and a supportive community.


অফিসিয়াল লিঙ্ক

ট্রেন্ডিং সম্পদ

আজকের ট্রেন্ডিং-এ কিছুই নেই