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Last Survivor LSC

हमारे पास सटीक व्यापार डेटा नहीं है।

इसे कई कारणों से माना जा सकता है, जिसमें सीमित एक्सचेंज लिक्विडिटी या डिलिस्टिंग भी शामिल है। या फिर यह उन एक्सचेंज के लिए समर्थन प्रदान करने में असमर्थ होने के कारण हो सकता है, जहां इस संपत्ति का वर्तमान में व्यापार किया जा रहा है।


ट्विटर फॉलोअर्स

आईसीओ मूल्य
कुल जुटाई गई धनराशि
$3.12 M
कुल बेचे गए टोकन
251.95 M LSC

बारे में LSC

Last Survivor is a free-to-play game where players engage in solo battles or team up with a partner to compete against other players. The goal is to be the last one standing. Players can upgrade their fighters by buying and selling NFT items such as weapons and skins. Some of the available weapons in the game include the Primal Pistol, Primal Shotgun, Primal SMG, and Obvilion.

What makes Last Survivor unique?

Last Survivor is a unique cryptocurrency because it combines elements of a free-to-play game with NFT (non-fungible token) items. Users can buy and sell NFT items such as weapons and skins to upgrade their fighters in the game. This adds a new dimension to the cryptocurrency experience, allowing users to not only trade digital assets but also enhance their gameplay and aesthetics. Additionally, Last Survivor offers different gameplay modes, including Solo Battle and Duo Battle, where players can compete against each other or team up with a partner. This combination of gaming and cryptocurrency elements sets Last Survivor apart from other cryptocurrencies.

आधिकारिक लिंक

ट्रेंडिंग एसेट्स

ट्रेंडिंग टुडे में कुछ भी नहीं