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  • #5779

Imperium Empires IME

IME Cena

Zakres Cen--

Kapitalizacja Rynkowa 

--Ranga #5779


$46,500.00Ranga #9134


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Szczegółowa Wydajność


IME wykazuje Byczy znaki w porównaniu z czołowymi kryptowalutami, wiodącymi kategoriami i blockchainami w różnych okresach czasu

Para Handlowa1h24h7d1m3m1y

IME to USD Konwerter


Historia Ceny

Najwyższa Cena w Historii
14759x to ATH
Najniższa Cena w Historii
1.74x to ATL
Data Rozpoczęcia Handlu
23 Dec, 2021
997 dni temu


Zobacz więcej
Cena ICO
Zebrane Fundusze
$3.10 M
Sprzedane Tokeny
895.10 M IME


Imperium Empires is a gaming platform that offers a PC client version and a mobile app called IME Connect. It involves guild wars, spaceship NFTs, and a new guild system. It is a free-to-play game that recently made adjustments to remove entry barriers and attract more users.

What makes Imperium Empires unique?

Imperium Empires stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique features and gameplay. It combines elements of blockchain, gaming, and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to create an immersive gaming experience. Here are some key aspects that make Imperium Empires unique:
1. Guild Wars: Imperium Empires allows players to participate in epic guild wars with their friends. This feature adds a cooperative and competitive element to the game, where players can work together to battle other guilds and win lucrative rewards.
2. Mining and Transporting Materials: In Imperium Empires, players can engage in activities such as mining, refining, and transporting rare materials. These materials can be used to upgrade their fleet and guild, providing a progression system within the game.
3. PvP Battles: Players can engage in player-versus-player battles with other guilds to take control of regions in outer space. This adds an element of strategic combat and competition, where players can destroy other players' spaceships and loot their components.
4. Play-to-Earn Opportunities: Imperium Empires offers play-to-earn opportunities, allowing players to earn rewards through gameplay. By participating in guild wars, mining activities, and PvP battles, players can earn lucrative rewards in the form of in-game currency and assets.
5. Free-to-Play Option: Imperium Empires has recently introduced a free-to-play option, removing the entry barriers of crypto wallets and NFTs. This makes it accessible to a wider audience and attracts more users to the game.
Overall, Imperium Empires offers a unique combination of gaming, blockchain, and NFTs, providing players with an immersive and rewarding gaming experience.

Dane Ceny na Żywo Imperium Empires

Aktualna cena Imperium Empires (IME) wynosi około $0.00000465, odzwierciedlając wzrost o 0.65% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Wolumen handlu IME w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynosi $74.85.

Aby uzyskać pełną listę giełd, odwiedź naszą stronę giełd kryptowalut. Aby zrozumieć wydajność Imperium Empires na przestrzeni czasu, rozważ zbadanie jego historii cen i ROI. Aby uzyskać dogłębną analizę i wgląd w IME, sprawdź naszą stronę wglądu w kryptowaluty.

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