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  • #2595

Tarot V1 TAROT


Zakres Cen--

Kapitalizacja Rynkowa 

$596,180.21Ranga #2595


$931,000.00Ranga #2374


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Szczegółowa Wydajność


TAROT wykazuje Niedźwiedzi znaki w porównaniu z czołowymi kryptowalutami, wiodącymi kategoriami i blockchainami w różnych okresach czasu

Para Handlowa1h24h7d1m3m1y

TAROT to USD Konwerter


Historia Ceny

Najwyższa Cena w Historii
440.39x to ATH
Najniższa Cena w Historii
1.14x to ATL
Data Rozpoczęcia Handlu
23 Aug, 2021
1111 dni temu


Exchanges type



Tarot is a platform or protocol that operates in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. It offers various services and capabilities, such as decentralized lending and earning boosted rewards. Tarot is expanding to multiple chains, starting with Optimism, and aims to leverage its capabilities to provide users with enhanced opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

What makes Tarot unique?

Tarot is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies due to several key features and innovations:
1. The Tower: Tarot introduces a system called The Tower, which is a powerful direct supply incentives system for Tarot lending pools. It allows users to stake bTAROT in a Tower pool and earn rewards. The emissions from Tower pools incentivize supply in Tarot lending pools, providing additional benefits for users.
2. Omnichain Future: Tarot is working on delivering a new omnichain architecture and seamless migration process for the TAROT token. This means that Tarot aims to operate on multiple blockchain networks, providing greater flexibility and interoperability.
3. The Other: Tarot has introduced a novel DeFi primitive called The Other. It is part of the Tarot Protocol and allows liquidity providers to supply LP tokens to The Other pools. This unique feature enhances the liquidity provision process and promotes true unity within the Tarot ecosystem.
4. Partner Co-Incentives: Tarot supports multiple reward tokens and partner co-incentives. This means that Tarot can collaborate with other projects and incentivize users with additional tokens or benefits, creating a more diverse and interconnected ecosystem.
Overall, Tarot's combination of The Tower incentives system, omnichain future, The Other DeFi primitive, and partner co-incentives sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies, offering unique and innovative solutions for users within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

Dane Ceny na Żywo Tarot V1

Aktualna cena Tarot V1 (TAROT) wynosi około $0.00931, odzwierciedlając spadek o -5.02% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Wolumen handlu TAROT w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynosi $244.07. Kapitalizacja rynkowa Tarot V1 wynosi obecnie $596,180.21, co stanowi około < 0.01% całkowitej kapitalizacji rynku kryptowalut. Podaż w obiegu TAROT wynosi 64.04 milion.

Aby uzyskać pełną listę giełd, odwiedź naszą stronę giełd kryptowalut. Aby zrozumieć wydajność Tarot V1 na przestrzeni czasu, rozważ zbadanie jego historii cen i ROI. Aby uzyskać dogłębną analizę i wgląd w TAROT, sprawdź naszą stronę wglądu w kryptowaluty.

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