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  • #5795

Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks XBTC


Zakres Cen--

Kapitalizacja Rynkowa 

--Ranga #5795


--Ranga #11062


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Szczegółowa Wydajność


XBTC wykazuje Neutralny zachowanie w porównaniu z czołowymi kryptowalutami, wiodącymi kategoriami i blockchainami w różnych okresach czasu

Para Handlowa1h24h7d1m3m1y

XBTC to USD Konwerter


Historia Ceny

Najwyższa Cena w Historii
13.57x to ATH
Najniższa Cena w Historii
24.70x to ATL
Data Rozpoczęcia Handlu
28 Dec, 2021
993 dni temu


Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks is a form of wrapped Bitcoin that operates on the Stacks network. It allows users to bring Bitcoin onto the Stacks network and utilize it within decentralized apps and smart contracts. Transactions involving Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks settle on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring the same level of security as a regular Bitcoin transaction. This integration combines the programmability of the Stacks network with the value and stability of Bitcoin.

What makes Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks unique?

Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks (WBTC-Stacks) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies for several reasons. Firstly, WBTC-Stacks operates as a layer on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, allowing it to leverage the security and reliability of the Bitcoin network. This makes WBTC-Stacks as secure as a Bitcoin transaction.
Secondly, WBTC-Stacks is built on Stacks, which is an open-source network of decentralized apps and smart contracts. This means that WBTC-Stacks can benefit from the programmability and flexibility of the Stacks platform. Apps on Stacks can include Bitcoin-based logic, enabling unique functionalities and use cases for WBTC-Stacks.
Additionally, WBTC-Stacks is part of the broader ecosystem of wrapped assets, which includes other wrapped cryptocurrencies like Wrapped Celo and Wrapped Zcash. This ecosystem aims to bring different cryptocurrencies onto the Ethereum blockchain, making them compatible with the Ethereum-based DeFi ecosystem. This integration into DeFi provides WBTC-Stacks with access to a wide range of decentralized financial services and applications.
In summary, WBTC-Stacks stands out for its integration with the Bitcoin blockchain, its utilization of the Stacks platform, and its inclusion in the ecosystem of wrapped assets, all of which contribute to its unique features and potential use cases.

Dane Ceny na Żywo Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks

Aktualna cena Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks (XBTC) wynosi około $58,711.00, odzwierciedlając spadek o -3.27% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Wolumen handlu XBTC w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynosi $13,671.68.

Aby uzyskać pełną listę giełd, odwiedź naszą stronę giełd kryptowalut. Aby zrozumieć wydajność Wrapped Bitcoin-Stacks na przestrzeni czasu, rozważ zbadanie jego historii cen i ROI. Aby uzyskać dogłębną analizę i wgląd w XBTC, sprawdź naszą stronę wglądu w kryptowaluty.

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