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Valor de Mercado$2.29 T 0.07%Volume 24h$84.59 B -27.16%BTC$61,472.00 -0.04%ETH$3,382.54 -0.15%S&P 500$5,470.55 0.38%Ouro$2,307.71 -1.09%Dominância BTC52.84%
  • #5683

Attack Wagon ATK

ATK Preço

Faixa de preço--


--Classific. #5683


$313,000.00Classific. #7227


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Desempenho Detalhado


ATK mostra Bearish sinais contra as principais criptomoedas, categorias líderes e blockchains ao longo de vários períodos de tempo

Par de Negociação 1h24h7d1m3m1a

ATK to USD Conversor


Histórico de Preço

Máxima Histórica
232.81x to ATH
Mínima Histórica
1.05x to ATL
Data de início das negociações
8 Dec, 2021
931 dias atrás

Captação de Recursos

Ver mais
0.01xUSD ROI
0.01xBTC ROI
0.01xETH ROI
Preço ICO
Fundos Arrec.
$2.28 M
Tokens Vendidos
184.70 M ATK


Exchanges type


Sobre ATK

Attack Wagon is a blockchain video game studio that specializes in creating free-to-Earn video games with immersive storytelling and beautiful artwork. They use the $ATK Token, an ERC-20 Polygon Chain Token, for in-game purchases, upgrading NFTs, and as rewards for players. The company is actively involved in staking, has an advisory board, and forms partnerships to enhance their projects.

What makes Attack Wagon unique?

Attack Wagon Games is a blockchain video game studio that aims to bring free-to-Earn video games with immersive storytelling and beautiful artwork. One unique aspect of Attack Wagon is their focus on integrating their own tokens into their gaming ecosystem. They have two tokens, ARCANIUM and $ATK, which are used and earned within their games.
One distinguishing feature is that Attack Wagon Games has designed their ecosystem to combat sell pressure, a common challenge for tokens. They have implemented mechanisms to incentivize holding and discourage selling, which helps to maintain token value and stability.
Additionally, Attack Wagon Games has a strong emphasis on community and engagement. They actively involve their fans and supporters in the development process, seeking their input and feedback to create games that resonate with the community.
Overall, Attack Wagon Games stands out by combining blockchain technology with immersive storytelling, community involvement, and unique token mechanics, making it a unique proposition in the cryptocurrency space.

Dados ao Vivo do Preço

O preço atual do(a) Attack Wagon (ATK) é aproximadamente $0.000313, diminuir -4.66% nas últimas 24 horas. O volume de negociações do(a) ATK é de $1,665.64 nas últimas 24 horas.

Para obter uma lista completa de corretoras, visite nossa página de corretoras cripto, Para entender o desempenho de Attack Wagon ao longo do tempo, considere explorar seu histórico de preços e ROI, Para uma análise aprofundada e insights sobre ATK, confira nossa página de insights cripto,

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