Logo DropsTab - linha azul representando a forma de uma gota de água com decoração de Natal
Valor de Mercado$3.54 T 0.20%Volume 24h$101.17 B -17.76%BTC$98,263.71 -0.03%ETH$3,658.90 1.16%S&P 500$5,942.55 0.00%Ouro$2,640.60 0.00%Dominância BTC55.03%
  • N/T

Cake Monster MONSTA

Falta-nos dados de negociação precisos.

Isso poderia ser atribuído a várias razões, incluindo liquidez limitada na bolsa ou retirada de listagem. Ou pode ser devido à incapacidade de fornecer suporte para as bolsas onde este ativo está atualmente sendo negociado.


$369,874.93Classific. #--


$448,900.00Classific. #--


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Captação de Recursos

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0.75xUSD ROI
0.27xBTC ROI
0.46xETH ROI
Preço ICO
Fundos Arrec.
Tokens Vendidos


Cake Monster is more than just a token that fluctuates in value. It is a project with utility and functionality. While the details of its tokenomics are not discussed in this context, Cake Monster offers a unique experience in the world of cryptocurrency. However, the exact nature of what Cake Monster does is not explained here.

What makes Cake Monster unique?

Cake Monster is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies due to its multi-faceted protocol and ecosystem. It offers a combination of wealth protection and interactive fun for its members. The protocol's gravity vault design constantly accumulates $CAKE from the tax system, acting as a floor price and ensuring the protocol's market cap is theoretically at least the same as the accumulated $CAKE. Additionally, the protocol rewards users for interacting with Cake Monsters, showcasing the generosity of these creatures. Furthermore, Cake Monster offers persistent utility, as it is designed to last indefinitely, showcasing the achievements and progress made within just six months.

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