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Valor de Mercado$2.55 T -0.42%Volume 24h$72.41 B 51.69%BTC$67,754.67 -0.01%ETH$3,780.79 -0.72%S&P 500$5,278.39 0.00%Ouro$2,327.35 0.00%Dominância BTC52.34%
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Civitas CIV

Falta-nos dados de negociação precisos.

Isso poderia ser atribuído a várias razões, incluindo liquidez limitada na bolsa ou retirada de listagem. Ou pode ser devido à incapacidade de fornecer suporte para as bolsas onde este ativo está atualmente sendo negociado.


$53,204.39Classific. #--


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$20.00 M
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Sobre CIV

Civitas comes from the ancient Roman concept that community is not just the collective body of citizens, it is the contract that binds them all. The "together we are stronger" philosophy is the guiding force behind the Civitas coin and community as we progress to a new, free global economy. Breaking Imperialistic chains and giving citizens empowerment to take control of their lives in the pursuit of financial freedom.


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