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Valor de Mercado$3.65 T -1.07%Volume 24h$343.33 B -31.00%BTC$104,913.56 -1.15%ETH$3,309.22 -1.84%S&P 500$6,032.30 0.59%Ouro$2,743.30 1.30%Dominância BTC57.30%
  • N/T


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$3.64 MClassific. #--


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Camelot V3


Grimace is a cryptocurrency token that originated from a social media exchange between Elon Musk and McDonald's on Twitter. It started as a meme token but gained popularity and became a global media sensation. The token was launched by experienced developers and has a strong and supportive community. There is also a Grimace store where you can purchase items related to the token.

What makes Grimace unique?

What makes Grimace unique compared to other cryptocurrencies is its origin as a meme token that gained traction and became a global media sensation. It also has a strong and supportive community. Unlike many other cryptocurrency projects, Grimace focuses not only on attracting more holders but also on continuously assessing potential revenue sources for long-term sustainability. Additionally, Grimace has planted and given out thousands of dollars in its token to various countries, emphasizing both entertainment and income generation through utility.

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