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Valor de Mercado$3.63 T 2.91%Volume 24h$160.36 B 89.98%BTC$102,071.38 3.68%ETH$3,680.29 1.60%S&P 500$5,970.06 0.42%Ouro$2,634.50 -0.23%Dominância BTC55.70%
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Sobre GYRO

Gyro is a decentralized currency that is not tied to any specific fiat currency. It utilizes algorithmic control of market dynamics to maintain stability and prevent inflation. The currency is backed by multi-asset stablecoins and GYRO-USDT LP in its treasury, ensuring that 1 GYRO is always equal to or greater than 1 USDT. The protocol itself manages and controls the treasury and reserve, promoting transparency and fairness. Additionally, Gyro operates as a community-driven open protocol, allowing GYRO token holders to suggest, debate, and implement changes to the system.

What makes Gyro unique?

Gyro is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is a decentralized currency that is not pegged to any fiat currency. It uses algorithmic control of market dynamics to maintain a stable value and curb inflation. This means that users can have the same purchasing power tomorrow as they do today. Additionally, Gyro has a treasury and liquidity managed by the protocol itself, which allows for the issuance of bonds and the distribution of GYRO tokens to stakers. This ensures system stability and provides opportunities for users to earn high rewards through staking. Overall, Gyro aims to be a currency built for the new financial system and part of the open economy of the future.

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