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Valor de Mercado$2.08 T 3.50%Volume 24h$130.15 B -21.63%BTC$56,424.01 3.44%ETH$2,979.60 3.42%S&P 500$5,569.07 0.58%Ouro$2,391.58 1.08%Dominância BTC53.38%
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Jarvis+ JAR

Falta-nos dados de negociação precisos.

Isso poderia ser atribuído a várias razões, incluindo liquidez limitada na bolsa ou retirada de listagem. Ou pode ser devido à incapacidade de fornecer suporte para as bolsas onde este ativo está atualmente sendo negociado.


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Captação de Recursos

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0.00xUSD ROI
0.00xBTC ROI
0.00xETH ROI
Preço ICO
Fundos Arrec.
$4.01 M
Tokens Vendidos
140.00 M JAR

Sobre JAR

Jarvis+ (also known as JarvisPlus) is a Smart Contract based AI Conversation as Service Platform and a decentralized intelligence solution. It aims to enable individuals and organizations to embrace the era of "Community Ecosystem and Smart Economy" through the use of blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Jarvis+ offers services that require the consumption of JPG tokens, which are used for resource control and are rewarded to JAR holders.

What makes Jarvis+ unique?

Jarvis+ distinguishes itself from other cryptocurrencies by being the world's first Smart Contract based AI Conversation as Service Platform. It combines the technologies of blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to empower individuals and organizations to embrace the era of 'Community Ecosystem and Smart Economy'. Jarvis+ aims to provide decentralized intelligence solutions and offers various rewards and bounties for active participation in their community, such as earning influence points based on the popularity of tweets and high-quality posts/comments on their official subreddit. Additionally, the Jarvis+ token (JAR) will be listed on the digital asset exchange platform KuCoin, providing users with more opportunities for trading and liquidity.

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