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Valor de Mercado$2.40 T 2.27%Volume 24h$64.46 B -24.14%BTC$63,954.41 1.24%ETH$3,314.45 5.31%S&P 500$5,099.70 0.00%Ouro$2,337.93 0.00%Dominância BTC52.27%
  • #6977



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--Classific. #6977


$47,000.00Classific. #9521


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Desempenho Detalhado


SHIDO mostra Bearish sinais contra as principais criptomoedas, categorias líderes e blockchains ao longo de vários períodos de tempo

Par de Negociação 1h24h7d1m3m1a

SHIDO to USD Conversor


Histórico de Preço

Máxima Histórica
19723x to ATH
Mínima Histórica
3.92x to ATL
Data de início das negociações
14 Aug, 2022
622 dias atrás


Exchanges type

Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)


Shido is a blockchain project that offers various decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. It has its own blockchain network called Shido Chain, which is interoperable with other networks and dApps in the Cosmos ecosystem. Shido aims to provide transparent and instant revenue sharing from applications through its revenue sharing model. Additionally, Shido Wallet offers features like Shido Card v3, which provides new functionalities to users. The project is also organizing an AMA tour and will be launching the Limit Protocol on its DeFi platform soon.

What makes Shido unique?

Shido stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to several unique features. Firstly, it offers a decentralized limit order system through its Limit Protocol, allowing users to buy and sell tokens at specific prices. This feature enhances trading flexibility and precision. Additionally, Shido Wallet's Shido Card v3 introduces new features, providing an improved user experience.
Moreover, Shido is actively engaged in community interactions and knowledge sharing through its AMA (Ask Me Anything) tour. By collaborating with respected figures like CaesarsCalls, Shido fosters a strong community and promotes open dialogue.
Furthermore, Shido's integration with Cosmos.network showcases its interoperability with other networks and dApps, enabling value sharing and expanding its reach.
Lastly, Shido incorporates a revenue-sharing model that utilizes blockchain technology, ensuring transparent and instant revenue sharing from applications. This model enhances fairness and encourages participation in the ecosystem. Overall, these unique features distinguish Shido from other cryptocurrencies in the market.

Dados ao Vivo do Preço

O preço atual do(a) Shido [OLD] (SHIDO) é aproximadamente $0.0₅47, diminuir -53.50% nas últimas 24 horas. O volume de negociações do(a) SHIDO é de $43.75 nas últimas 24 horas.

Para obter uma lista completa de corretoras, visite nossa página de corretoras cripto, Para entender o desempenho de Shido [OLD] ao longo do tempo, considere explorar seu histórico de preços e ROI, Para uma análise aprofundada e insights sobre SHIDO, confira nossa página de insights cripto,

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