Logo DropsTab - linha azul representando a forma de uma gota de água com decoração de Natal
Valor de Mercado$3.54 T 0.28%Volume 24h$91.30 B -43.24%BTC$98,307.70 0.04%ETH$3,663.00 1.42%S&P 500$5,942.55 0.00%Ouro$2,640.60 0.00%Dominância BTC55.03%
  • N/T


Falta-nos dados de negociação precisos.

Isso poderia ser atribuído a várias razões, incluindo liquidez limitada na bolsa ou retirada de listagem. Ou pode ser devido à incapacidade de fornecer suporte para as bolsas onde este ativo está atualmente sendo negociado.


$2.48 MClassific. #--


--Classific. #--
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Spool is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that operates in the background to ensure users have access to the best risk-adjusted yield in the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space. It aims to provide liquidity to protocols and contribute to the growth and well-being of the DeFi ecosystem. Spool offers opportunities for users to stake and buy its native token, SPOOL. It is also involved in partnerships and community events to engage its members and expand its community.

What makes Spool unique?

Spool is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it focuses on the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). It aims to simplify the process of discovering, accessing, and combining the best options in the DeFi space. Spool allows users to align their liquidity with their personal terms, ensuring that they get the yield they want while providing DeFi protocols with the liquidity they need. Additionally, Spool has partnered with Staking Rewards, a prominent data provider for staking and crypto-growth instruments, to further enhance its offerings in the DeFi investment space.

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