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  • #3652

ThreeFold Token TFT

TFT Preço

Faixa de preço--


--Classific. #3652


$89.28 MClassific. #3249


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Desempenho Detalhado


TFT mostra Bearish sinais contra as principais criptomoedas, categorias líderes e blockchains ao longo de vários períodos de tempo

Par de Negociação 1h24h7d1m3m1a

TFT to USD Conversor


Histórico de Preço

Máxima Histórica
9.01x to ATH
Mínima Histórica
5.11x to ATL
Data de início das negociações
15 Dec, 2019
1595 dias atrás


Exchanges type

PancakeSwap (v2)
PancakeSwap (v2)

Sobre TFT

The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is a digital cryptocurrency that is used within the ThreeFold ecosystem. It is the native currency of the ThreeFold Grid, which is an open-source Internet infrastructure. The token is used for various purposes, including purchasing and accessing resources on the ThreeFold Grid, participating in the farming process to earn tokens, and facilitating transactions within the network.

What makes ThreeFold Token unique?

ThreeFold Token (TFT) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it serves as the native currency of the ThreeFold Grid, which is a decentralized and autonomous internet infrastructure. The ThreeFold Grid aims to create a more responsible, neutral, and decentralized internet by leveraging autonomous cloud and high-performance, permissionless blockchain technology.
Unlike other cryptocurrencies that focus solely on transactions or smart contracts, ThreeFold Token is specifically designed to power the ThreeFold Grid ecosystem. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including accessing and utilizing compute, storage, and network resources, as well as participating in the governance of the network.
Additionally, ThreeFold Token is built on a sustainable and energy-efficient blockchain called ThreeFold Chain. This blockchain is designed to be environmentally friendly, consuming significantly less energy compared to traditional blockchain networks.
Overall, the unique combination of ThreeFold Token's role in powering the ThreeFold Grid ecosystem, its focus on sustainability, and its connection to a decentralized internet infrastructure sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.

Dados ao Vivo do Preço

O preço atual do(a) ThreeFold Token (TFT) é aproximadamente $0.02232, aumentar 3.06% nas últimas 24 horas. O volume de negociações do(a) TFT é de $2,925.75 nas últimas 24 horas.

Para obter uma lista completa de corretoras, visite nossa página de corretoras cripto, Para entender o desempenho de ThreeFold Token ao longo do tempo, considere explorar seu histórico de preços e ROI, Para uma análise aprofundada e insights sobre TFT, confira nossa página de insights cripto,

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