- N/T
Cryptonovae YAE
У нас нет точных торговых данных.
Это может быть обусловлено несколькими причинами, включая ограниченную ликвидность обмена или снятие с торгов. Или может быть связано с невозможностью предоставить поддержку для бирж, на которых этот актив в настоящее время торгуется.
$62,024.80Ранг #--FDV
$73,800.00Ранг #--Инвесторы
X подписчики
Подробнее- Цена ICO
- $0.08
- Собрано
- $1.90 M
- Продано
- 30.00 M YAE
Описание Cryptonovae (YAE)
What is Cryptonovae?
Cryptonovae is a software solution designed for crypto and traditional retail traders in the digital assets markets. It provides modular features to efficiently trade cryptocurrencies. Cryptonovae grants users a license to use the software, and the platform, software, and services are operated by the company Cryptonovae, registered in France.
What makes Cryptonovae unique?
Cryptonovae is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies due to its diverse and inclusive approach. It stands out with a female Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), which is not common in the crypto industry. Additionally, Cryptonovae has a distinctive branding that clearly communicates its value proposition and sets it apart from its competitors.
Подробнее- Цена ICO
- $0.08
- Собрано
- $1.90 M
- Продано
- 30.00 M YAE