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มูลค่าตลาด$3.31 T -2.01%ปริมาณ 24 ชม.$203.12 B -2.57%BTC$93,500.00 -2.28%ETH$3,316.48 -1.15%S&P 500$5,917.34 0.13%ทอง$2,665.67 0.47%สัดส่วน BTC56.02%

Venezuela's Gov Bitcoin Holdings

21 ผู้ติดตาม

Venezuela accepted bitcoin to buy a failed currency they claimed was backed by oil. Our insights are based on the meticulous analysis by Elementus, a renowned blockchain-analysis firm. However, the story doesn't end here. The crypto landscape is ever-evolving, and we need YOU to contribute and keep the data updated.