ড্রপট্যাব লোগো - ক্রিসমাস সজ্জা সহ একটি জলের বিন্দুর আকার চিত্রিত করে নীল রেখা
মার্কেটক্যাপ$2.57 T 0.36%২৪ ঘন্টার ভলিউম $71.54 B 68.44%BTC$68,309.72 0.96%ETH$3,799.41 -0.22%S&P 500$5,278.39 0.00%সোনা$2,321.47 -0.28%বিটিসি ডমিনেন্স52.36%
  • N/T


আমাদের ঠিকঠাক ট্রেডিং ডেটা নেই।

এটি বিভিন্ন কারণের জন্য মনে করা হতে পারে, যেমন সীমিত এক্সচেঞ্জ দ্রব্যতা বা ডিলিস্টিং। অথবা এটি হতে পারে এমন এক্সচেঞ্জগুলির জন্য সহায়তা প্রদান করতে অক্ষম।


শীর্ষ অনুসরণকারীগণ


সম্পর্কে MAXX

MAXX Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol. It offers various features such as staking, airdrops, Genesis NFTs, and the MAXX token. The protocol aims to be self-sustainable and community-driven, with on-chain voting through the MAXXVault. MAXX Finance is asset-backed to provide protection even in challenging market conditions. It has a token launch schedule and has been progressing towards becoming a DeFi platform.

What makes MAXX Finance unique?

MAXX Finance stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique features and offerings. Here are a few key aspects that make MAXX Finance unique:
1. DAO Governance: MAXX Finance operates as a self-sustainable community-driven platform with on-chain voting. This means that the community has a direct say in the decision-making process, fostering transparency and decentralization.
2. Sustainability: MAXX Finance is designed to be sustainable in the long run. It utilizes mathematically programmed rewards through carefully balanced tokenomics, ensuring a fair and sustainable distribution of rewards to token holders.
3. Utility: The MAXX Finance protocol is asset-backed, providing protection even in unfavorable market conditions. This feature adds a layer of security and stability to the platform, making it more resilient to market fluctuations.
4. Token Launch Schedule: MAXX Finance has a well-planned token launch schedule, with three stages planned over the coming months. This approach allows for a controlled and gradual distribution of tokens, reducing the risk of price volatility.
5. MAXX Marketplace: MAXX Finance offers a custom Marketplace where users can list their stakes for sale. This feature provides liquidity and flexibility for token holders, allowing them to easily trade and manage their holdings.
Overall, MAXX Finance combines governance, sustainability, utility, and a thoughtfully structured token launch schedule to provide a unique and promising cryptocurrency experience.


অফিসিয়াল লিঙ্ক

ট্রেন্ডিং সম্পদ

আজকের ট্রেন্ডিং-এ কিছুই নেই