ড্রপট্যাব লোগো - ক্রিসমাস সজ্জা সহ একটি জলের বিন্দুর আকার চিত্রিত করে নীল রেখা
মার্কেটক্যাপ$2.04 T -3.48%২৪ ঘন্টার ভলিউম $105.89 B 124.98%BTC$57,870.92 -3.51%ETH$2,284.15 -3.96%S&P 500$5,627.81 0.03%সোনা$2,579.87 0.06%বিটিসি ডমিনেন্স56.23%
  • N/T

milestoneBased MILE

আমাদের ঠিকঠাক ট্রেডিং ডেটা নেই।

এটি বিভিন্ন কারণের জন্য মনে করা হতে পারে, যেমন সীমিত এক্সচেঞ্জ দ্রব্যতা বা ডিলিস্টিং। অথবা এটি হতে পারে এমন এক্সচেঞ্জগুলির জন্য সহায়তা প্রদান করতে অক্ষম।


শীর্ষ অনুসরণকারীগণ


সম্পর্কে MILE

milestoneBased is a blockchain-powered collaboration platform designed to improve milestone and funding collaboration between crypto startups and investors. It aims to address the issues of a flawed legacy startup funding system and provides startups with exposure, investor engagement, and collaboration tools. milestoneBased also offers features such as creating an engaging investor experience, explicit startup profiles, and the ability to share promising startups and dealflow with peers. The platform has recently announced a partnership with Agera Ventures, a Dubai-based Web3 focused investor, to evaluate the top 10% of startups that apply for follow-on growth capital.

What makes milestoneBased unique?

milestoneBased is not a cryptocurrency itself, but rather a blockchain-powered collaboration platform for startups and investors. It aims to address the flaws in the traditional startup funding system by providing a decentralized platform for milestone and funding collaboration.
One unique aspect of milestoneBased is its comparison to "Angel List" for the crypto sector or any emerging startup. It allows startups to connect with investors and showcase their milestones, while investors can build their VC brand, manage their investment preferences, and connect with portfolio companies.
Additionally, milestoneBased has announced a partnership with Agera Ventures, a Dubai-based Web3 focused investor, to provide follow-on growth capital for selected startups. This partnership highlights the platform's commitment to supporting and fostering the growth of promising startups.
In terms of functionality, milestoneBased recently launched the "Streams" function, which allows investors to easily share promising startups and dealflow with their peers. This feature enhances collaboration and knowledge sharing within the startup ecosystem.
Overall, milestoneBased differentiates itself by leveraging blockchain technology to improve the funding and collaboration process for startups and investors, while also providing unique features and partnerships to support their growth.


ট্রেন্ডিং সম্পদ

আজকের ট্রেন্ডিং-এ কিছুই নেই