- $5.36Â B70.75%
- 52,604.68Â BTC52604.68%
- 213
- 746
24h Volume
Assets listed
Trading Pairs
Upbit Features
- Fiat Gateway
- Credit Card Purchase
- Desktop App
- Mobile App
- Margin Trading
- Derivatives
- Futures
- Launchpad
- Staking
- $25.23Â B
- 0.00%
- $171.75Â B
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- South Korea
- --
7d Volume
30d Volume
Volume Share
Country of Origin
Native Token
About Upbit
Upbit is a new Korean C2C exchange and is launched by the biggest messaging app developer in Korea, Kakao. Kakao teamed up with Bittrex to offer a myriad of cryptocurrencies.
Official Resources
Upbit Markets Highlights
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Markets and Trading Pairs
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