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Cap de mercado$2.17 T -3.54%Volumen 24h$148.57 B 48.52%BTC$57,309.06 -5.22%ETH$2,912.07 -3.45%S&P 500$5,019.33 -0.35%Oro$2,323.08 1.52%Dominancia BTC51.82%
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Acerca de RUN

5KM RUN is an NFT-powered move-to-earn gaming project. It is a platform that promotes a healthy lifestyle, inspires everyone to do sports, and encourages practical actions against global warming. Participants can engage in various activities and contests to earn rewards, including the 5KM token. The platform integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to display accurate NFT prices. It also has features such as an in-app rental market, multi-chain support, stake system, and in-app social system. The project is supported by the 5KM Foundation and aims to take practical action for climate change.

What makes 5KM RUN unique?

5KM RUN is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is an NFT-powered move-to-earn gaming project. It combines the concept of earning cryptocurrency with physical activity by incentivizing users to engage in sports and promote a healthy lifestyle. Participants in the 5KM #RUNToEARN contest have the opportunity to win 800,000 RUN5KM tokens. Additionally, 5KM has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds on Ethereum mainnet, ensuring accurate pricing for NFTs in their dApp. Overall, the combination of fitness, gaming, and NFTs sets 5KM RUN apart from other cryptocurrencies.

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