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Friendz FDZ

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$21,957.26Ranking #--


$55,500.00Ranking #--


Seguidores de Twitter

Recaudacion de fondos

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Precio de ICO
Total recaudados
$18.43 M
Total vendidas
270.45 M FDZ


Exchanges type


Acerca de FDZ

Friendz is a reward-based community app where users can participate in activities such as creating and posting pictures in exchange for tokens. It is a digital marketing service that allows companies to promote their advertising message through word of mouth marketing. Friendz has also partnered with Vidoser, a video influencer marketing startup, to involve users in creating and publishing video content. It is a working product with €1M in revenues and is ready for global scaling.

What makes Friendz unique?

Friendz is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is a reward-based community where users can participate in activities and earn tokens in exchange. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies that focus on financial transactions, Friendz combines social media and advertising by allowing users to create and post content for brands. This creates a direct connection between users and companies, making Friendz a digital marketing service that utilizes the power of word of mouth. Additionally, Friendz is a working product with €1M in revenues, which sets it apart from many other cryptocurrencies that are still in the development phase.


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