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Cap de mercado$2.56 T 0.08%Volumen 24h$84.92 B -0.57%BTC$67,733.02 -0.62%ETH$3,793.86 0.69%S&P 500$5,278.39 0.86%Oro$2,327.35 -0.67%Dominancia BTC52.19%
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Acerca de GBOT

GBOT, or GMD, has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies: 1. Governance and Utility Token: GMD serves as both a governance and utility token. This means that token holders have the power to participate in decision-making processes regarding the platform's development and governance. Additionally, GMD accrues 70% of the platform's generated fees, allowing token holders to earn revenue through the platform's vaults and reserve. 2. Yield Aggregator & Smart Vaults: GBOT offers a yield aggregator and smart vaults. Users can stake their USDC, ETH, and BTC and earn up to 15% APY. The platform utilizes pseudo-delta-neutral strategies and smart vaults built on top of GMX, enhancing the potential for higher yields. 3. Fixed Supply: Unlike some other cryptocurrencies, GMD tokens have a fixed supply and cannot be further minted. This feature ensures scarcity and may contribute to the token's value over time. 4. Zero Token Emissions: GBOT does not emit any additional tokens. The fixed supply and lack of token emissions contribute to the token's scarcity and potentially increase its value. Overall, GBOT stands out by combining governance and utility functions, offering yield-generating opportunities through smart vaults, and having a fixed supply with no token emissions.

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