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Acerca de IQN

IQeon is a European startup company that focuses on developing innovative technological products in the fields of gaming and blockchain. They have created a PvP gaming platform called IQeon.com that allows users to monetize their gaming achievements. Additionally, IQeon has developed a mobile client application called IQeon Client, which enables players to access games, participate in matches, and earn tokens on the go. The company is registered in Estonia and has a presence on various social media platforms.

What makes IQeon unique?

IQeon is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is the first platform that allows players to earn money based on their intelligence and achievements. This is made possible through the use of the IQeon ecosystem's internal currency, which can be converted to the IQeon token (IQN) on the Ethereum blockchain. IQeon also emphasizes the importance of a highly professional development team and effective marketing strategies for success in the crypto world. Additionally, IQeon's Chief Marketing Officer, Hanna Lemiasheuskaya, believes that the open summit will help determine the direction for further development of the crypto world.

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