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Cap de mercado$2.29 T -0.30%Volumen 24h$53.36 B -38.61%BTC$61,045.51 0.24%ETH$3,390.32 -0.46%S&P 500$5,459.13 -0.52%Oro$2,326.73 -0.16%Dominancia BTC52.66%
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Jigen JIG

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Recaudacion de fondos

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Precio de ICO
Total recaudados
$1.83 M
Total vendidas
30.94 M JIG

Acerca de JIG

Jigen is a company that focuses on solving typical problems for brands in the fashion and luxury items industry using blockchain technology. They aim to tackle issues such as counterfeiting and also enable brands to explore new ways of sharing the digital art and unique designs of their products through the use of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

What makes Jigen unique?

Jigen stands out from other cryptocurrencies by focusing on solving specific problems for brands in the fashion and luxury items industry using blockchain technology. It aims to tackle issues such as counterfeiting and offers new opportunities for players in the industry to share digital art and unique designs of their products through NFTs. This specialized focus sets Jigen apart and makes it unique in the cryptocurrency space.

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