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DOSI - Potential Airdrop

🤑 ActivoPuntaje: Not Rated
Puntaje: Not Rated

DOSI is a digital commerce where you can trade digital products such as memberships, gaming items, and tickets. Interact with the platform and level-up your DOSI citizen.

Activos Relacionados

Resumen de la Actividad

2023 - TBA
Total de Fondos Recaudados--
Plataforma de Lanzamiento

Cómo participar

Create DOSI Citizen Profile

DOSI Citizen is a membership program designed for DOSI members. Anyone who has signed up for DOSI can join. There are 4 Citizen levels in total, with Traveler being the first level you receive upon signing up. You can level up by participating in various activities on DOSI.

  1. Go to the DOSI Citizen page.
  2. Log in using any supported method.

Earn DON

DON is the membership point within the DOSI ecosystem, awarded based on the activities and contributions of Citizens. Currently, DON can be used for Citizen Level Up, Adventure, and the DOSI Challenge.

There are 3 main ways to earn DON:

  • Attendance Check: Earn DON through daily attendance checks. The amount varies based on the number and level of Citizens you possess.
  • Collection Mission: Acquire DON through Collection Missions. Complete mission conditions, collect required Citizens and Friends, and earn additional DON during attendance checks.
  • Item Purchase: Obtain DON through item purchases. Additional rewards are available when purchasing digital items via store purchases (B2C) or user-to-user trades (C2C) on the Marketplace. DON rewards are based on the purchase amount.

Level Up DOSI Citizen

Citizen levels include: Traveler, Visitor, Resident, and Citizen. The first Citizen you receive upon signing up is a Level 1 Traveler. Level up step by step to become a true Citizen and unlock the highest benefits in DOSI.

To level up, ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Citizen Level
  • LUP (Level Up Points)
  • Purchase Amount

Regularly check attendance and participate in DOSI events to easily earn DON.

Note: Trading Citizens through the Marketplace allows you to receive both the transaction amount and the Citizen.

Complete Intract Quests

  1. Go to the Intract Quest page.
  2. Connect your EVM wallet.
  3. Complete available quests and keep an eye out for future ones.

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