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Cap de mercado$2.39 T -1.82%Volumen 24h$99.61 B 42.46%BTC$64,124.00 -1.51%ETH$3,113.47 -2.67%S&P 500$5,180.27 1.03%Oro$2,313.67 -0.35%Dominancia BTC52.83%
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$17,410.59Ranking #--


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Acerca de SCROOGE

Scrooge [OLD] cryptocurrency is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it offers holders 6% $BUSD reflections, which is a Crypto Pegged one-to-one with the USD. This feature sets Scrooge [OLD] apart and makes it a frontrunner in the crypto market. Additionally, Scrooge [OLD] focuses on a play-to-earn arcade and gaming feature, aiming to become the number one player in this trillion-dollar market. Only holders of Scrooge [OLD] will have access to the real live play-to-earn arcade.


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