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Tender.fi TND

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Acerca de TND

Tender.fi is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that focuses on providing a borrowing and lending experience. It allows users to securely lend and borrow funds, with the assurance that their funds are safe. The protocol also offers the ability to collateralize assets such as GMX and GLP. Tender.fi is built for and by the community, with an emphasis on transparency and open-source development. The protocol also implements liquidation mechanisms to ensure the stability and efficiency of the lending market.

What makes Tender.fi unique?

Tender.fi is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it focuses on providing a lending and borrowing platform that allows users to deposit and borrow assets across multiple chains. It aims to aggregate lending markets across chains, offering a seamless and efficient borrowing experience in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Additionally, Tender.fi aims to engage an institutional audience by launching an institutional incentive program, catering to the needs of larger investors. One of the key features that sets Tender.fi apart is its innovative liquidation engine, which enables liquidators to access and collateralize assets that typically cannot be used as collateral in traditional mechanisms. This opens up opportunities for assets like tokens, LPs, vaults, and derivatives that are currently underutilized and cannot be easily collateralized.

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