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The Graph (Wormhole) GRT

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Acerca de GRT

The Graph is not directly related to Wormhole.

What makes The Graph (Wormhole) unique?

The Graph (Wormhole) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it focuses on cross-chain communication and interoperability. It supports multiple runtimes, including EVM, EVM+, Solana, CosmWASM, and Algorand, allowing protocols to use data, assets, and messages from other chains. This modular architecture enables the building of protocols on top of Wormhole that can seamlessly interact with different chains. The Wormhole SDK covers a wide range of use cases, making it simple for tokens, NFTs, apps, and messaging applications to go cross-chain. Additionally, Wormhole emphasizes easier composability, allowing applications on different chains to work together more efficiently. Overall, Wormhole's focus on cross-chain solutions and interoperability sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.


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