Logo DropsTab - linea azul que representa la forma de una gota de agua con decoracion navideña
Cap de mercado$2.19 T 1.29%Volumen 24h$115.49 B -100.00%BTC$63,089.99 1.16%ETH$2,455.60 2.34%S&P 500$5,713.47 1.70%Oro$2,591.76 1.02%Dominancia BTC56.83%

Dan Elitzer

  • No calificado
  • #5915 en Inversores
ROI en Retail 
  • Inversiones Totales 

  • Inversiones Principales 

  • ROI Privado 

  • Porcentaje listado en Binance 

  • Tipo 
    Angel Investor

  • Ubicación 
    United States of America

Acerca de Dan Elitzer

Dan is an Investor at IDEO CoLab Ventures, which funds early-stage companies building on distributed web technology (blockchains, cryptocurrencies, etc). Since 2015, he has led the distributed web portfolio at IDEO CoLab, conducting research and prototype development in partnership with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, including Citi,Nasdaq, Fidelity, Exelon, BlueCross BlueShield, and Ford. Dan received his MBA from MIT Sloan, where he co-founded the MIT Bitcoin Club, MIT FinTech Club, and MIT Bitcoin Project (which distributed $100 in bitcoin to each MIT undergraduate in 2014), and organized the inaugural MIT Bitcoin Expo. Prior to falling down the crypto rabbit hole, Dan worked in social entrepreneurship and microfinance, first as a social enterprise consultant with Community Wealth Partners, then leading international accounting and operations for Grameen Foundation. Dan also holds a BA in Psychology from Pomona College.
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Sense Finance