Logo DropsTab - linea azul que representa la forma de una gota de agua con decoracion navideña
Cap de mercado$2.35 T 2.19%Volumen 24h$63.64 B 34.23%BTC$63,318.98 2.18%ETH$3,475.47 2.03%S&P 500$5,469.68 0.22%Oro$2,328.74 0.09%Dominancia BTC53.00%

Regain Ventures

  • No calificado
  • #2265 en Inversores
ROI en Retail 
💀 0.01x
  • Inversiones Totales 

  • Inversiones Principales 

  • ROI Privado 

  • Porcentaje listado en Binance 
    0 of 11(0.00%)

  • Tipo 
    Ventures Capital

  • Ubicación 

Acerca de Regain Ventures

Regain Ventures main focus is to support the promising, problem solving and value providing projects from their inception and early stages with funding, marketing and bringing partnerships with the already established projects in the cryptoverse.