Cap. Marché: $3.38 T 1.90%Volume 24h: $383.81 B -11.66%BTC: $98,526.57 -0.07%ETH: $3,368.31 -0.20%S&P 500: $5,968.44 0.33%Or: $2,715.28 0.46%Dominance BTC: 57.68%
PancakeSwap IDO
The PancakeSwap IDO category is a decentralized Initial Dex Offering (IDO) platform that operates on the Binance Smart Chain. As an automated market maker (AMM), PancakeSwap IDO provides a decentralized avenue for upcoming blockchain projects to raise capital by offering tokens. This method of fundraising is advantageous for both the project and investors. For the project, it provides automatic liquidity, and for investors, it ensures immediate and fair trading opportunities. The webpage lists various projects and cryptocurrencies associated with PancakeSwap IDO. It's a valuable resource for those interested in the latest developments in the crypto space, particularly those related to PancakeSwap IDO.
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