- #2831
0 Knowledge Network 0KN
0KN Prix
Capitalisation boursière
$2.75 MRang #2831FDV
$3.45 MRang #2520Investisseurs
Abonnés X
Performance détaillée
0KN montre Baissier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes
0KN to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.0031829.23x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.00011243.07x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 7 Sep, 2023
il y a 488 jours
Exchanges type
À propos 0KN
0 Knowledge Network (0KN) is a decentralized network that offers true privacy and anonymity. It allows users to build private applications that utilize metadata-private anonymous broadcast with powerful cryptographic security guarantees. The network is designed to block surveillance and preserve sender anonymity by hiding all metadata. It is powered by a decentralized network of staked servers, making it resistant to shutdowns and spying. Additionally, users can stake their tokens to power the network and receive rewards.
What makes 0 Knowledge Network unique?
0 Knowledge Network (0KN) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in several ways:
1. Anonymity: 0KN ensures true privacy by hiding all metadata, guaranteeing sender anonymity even when the network is monitored by adversaries. This sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies that may offer pseudonymity but still leave traces of user information.
2. Block Surveillance: The network is designed to block surveillance, meaning nobody can spy on users or their transactions. This level of privacy is not commonly found in other cryptocurrencies.
3. Decentralized Network: 0KN is powered by a decentralized network of staked servers. This means that no single entity can shut down the network, making it resistant to censorship and control.
4. Private Applications: 0KN enables the development of truly private applications that utilize its metadata-private anonymous broadcast feature. This allows developers to create applications with powerful cryptographic security guarantees, enhancing user privacy.
5. Scalability: The network is designed to scale with the number of servers participating in the network, allowing for increased throughput and improved performance as the network grows.
6. Rewards: Users can stake their tokens to power the network and, in return, receive rewards. This incentivizes participation and contributes to the overall security and stability of the network.
In summary, 0 Knowledge Network stands out from other cryptocurrencies by prioritizing user privacy, offering a decentralized and censorship-resistant network, enabling the development of private applications, and providing rewards for network participation.
Données en direct du prix de 0 Knowledge Network
Le prix actuel de 0 Knowledge Network (0KN) est d'environ $0.0003447, reflétant une diminution de -10.59% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de 0KN au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $8,539.80. La capitalisation boursière de 0 Knowledge Network est actuellement de $2.75 million, représentant environ < 0.01% de la capitalisation boursière totale des cryptomonnaies. L'offre en circulation de 0KN est de 7.99 milliard.
Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de 0 Knowledge Network au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur 0KN, consultez notre page des insights crypto.
Liens officiels
0KN to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.0031829.23x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.00011243.07x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 7 Sep, 2023
il y a 488 jours