- #9285
ImmortalDAO IMMO
Capitalisation boursière
--Rang #9285FDV
$3,022.61Rang #13516Investisseurs
Abonnés X
Performance détaillée
IMMO montre Neutre comportement par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes
IMMO to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $175.25535.44x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.00610453.62x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 10 Jan, 2022
il y a 1095 jours
À propos IMMO
ImmortalDAO is a decentralized reserve currency protocol built on the Celo blockchain. It aims to address various issues such as inflation, lack of utility in NFTs, and lack of integration between projects. ImmortalDAO initially started as a fork of OHM but plans to forge its own path in the future. One of its priorities is to launch Immortal Launch, a decentralized launchpad to assist new projects and protocols in launching on the Celo blockchain. Additionally, ImmortalDAO offers wrapped staked IMMO (wsIMMO) tokens, but it is important to consult with a qualified tax professional or accountant for tax advice.
What makes ImmortalDAO unique?
ImmortalDAO aims to differentiate itself in several ways. Firstly, it plans to launch Immortal Launch, an automated decentralized launchpad that will assist new projects/protocols in launching on the Celo blockchain. This launchpad is intended to support the growth and prosperity of ImmortalDAO and its treasury.
Secondly, ImmortalDAO is positioning itself as a decentralized reserve currency protocol built on Celo. While it initially started as an OHM fork, it has plans to forge its own unique path and address problems such as inflation, lack of utility in NFTs, and lack of integration between projects.
Additionally, ImmortalDAO offers staking and bonding opportunities, allowing users to participate in the network and earn rewards. It also introduced mcUSD as its currency, replacing cUSD.
Overall, ImmortalDAO aims to bring transparency, longevity, and innovation to the cryptocurrency space through its unique features and offerings.
Données en direct du prix de ImmortalDAO
Le prix actuel de ImmortalDAO (IMMO) est d'environ $0.3273, reflétant une augmentation de 0.28% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de IMMO au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $3.52.
Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de ImmortalDAO au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur IMMO, consultez notre page des insights crypto.
Liens officiels
IMMO to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $175.25535.44x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.00610453.62x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 10 Jan, 2022
il y a 1095 jours