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Cap. Marché$2.33 T 0.04%Volume 24h$100.44 B -7.84%BTC$67,800.13 0.56%ETH$2,618.85 -0.74%S&P 500$5,842.31 -0.02%Or$2,711.56 1.14%Dominance BTC57.32%
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Lamden TAU

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Levée de fonds

Voir plus
0.02xUSD ROI
0.01xBTC ROI
0.01xETH ROI
Prix ICO
Fonds levés
$12.65 M
Tokens vendus
109.89 M TAU

À propos TAU

Lamden is a Python-based blockchain platform that aims to make using and creating decentralized applications (dApps) easier for everyone. It provides a performant and efficient infrastructure for developers to build and deploy their own smart contracts on the blockchain. Lamden offers distributed governance and rewards for smart contract developers, democratizing access to the blockchain. It is an open-source platform that encourages the reuse of functionality already built into existing smart contracts.

What makes Lamden unique?

Lamden is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in several ways. Firstly, it is a Python-based blockchain platform that aims to make using and creating decentralized applications (dApps) easy for everyone. This focus on accessibility sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies that may have a steeper learning curve.
Secondly, Lamden offers fee-less transactions, which means that users don't have to pay transaction fees when using the network. This is achieved through the use of the Tau token, the native currency of the Lamden network. Instead of transaction fees, Lamden implements a Proof of Stake mechanism that allows stakeholders to earn rewards and prevent spam transactions.
Additionally, Lamden is a modular blockchain, which means that it can be customized and adapted to different use cases and requirements. This modular approach provides flexibility and scalability, allowing for high transaction throughput (10,000 transactions per second or higher) and lighter weight chain data storage for full nodes.
Furthermore, Lamden emphasizes open-source development, allowing developers to reuse functionality that others have built into their smart contracts. This can save time and promote collaboration within the Lamden community.
Overall, Lamden's combination of accessibility, fee-less transactions, modular design, and open-source approach makes it unique compared to other cryptocurrencies.

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