- #5173
Capitalisation boursière
$268,771.73Rang #5173FDV
$643,997.25Rang #6975Investisseurs
Abonnés X
Performance détaillée
PAINT montre Baissier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes
PAINT to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.005949203.38x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.000016241.80x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 26 Feb, 2021
il y a 1425 jours
Exchanges type
À propos PAINT
MurAll is a collaborative digital canvas that allows artists from around the world to create and contribute to a constantly evolving piece of art. It is a unique project made possible by blockchain technology, specifically on Ethereum and Polygon networks, which enables artists to draw without restrictions. It offers a groundbreaking platform for artistic expression and encourages freedom of speech through art. Additionally, MurAll has introduced a feature called AI-powered text to image generation, where words can be transformed into vibrant artworks on the canvas. The project uses a token called PAINT, and once the supply runs out, the canvas will close forever.
What makes MurAll unique?
MurAll is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is not just a cryptocurrency, but a collaborative canvas for artists worldwide. It allows artists to paint onto an ever-evolving piece of art, using blockchain technology to ensure that their creations are immortalized forever. The artwork created on MurAll is represented by NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), which are one-of-a-kind tokens that hold the actual artwork within them, making them unique and valuable. This sets MurAll apart from other cryptocurrencies as it combines art and blockchain technology in a novel and innovative way. Additionally, MurAll has a limited supply of its native token called PAINT, which adds scarcity and value to the platform.
Données en direct du prix de MurAll
Le prix actuel de MurAll (PAINT) est d'environ $0.00002925, reflétant une diminution de -3.73% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de PAINT au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $55,434.99. La capitalisation boursière de MurAll est actuellement de $268,771.73, représentant environ < 0.01% de la capitalisation boursière totale des cryptomonnaies. L'offre en circulation de PAINT est de 9.26 milliard.
Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de MurAll au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur PAINT, consultez notre page des insights crypto.
Liens officiels
PAINT to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.005949203.38x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.000016241.80x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 26 Feb, 2021
il y a 1425 jours