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Cap. Marché$3.56 T -2.91%Volume 24h$185.08 B -35.92%BTC$102,399.06 -3.05%ETH$3,214.22 -3.34%S&P 500$6,085.09 0.63%Or$2,753.06 0.11%Dominance BTC57.06%
  • #2953

Primecoin XPM

XPM Prix

Plage de prix--

Capitalisation boursière 

$2.29 MRang #2953


$2.29 MRang #2681
AperçuÉchangesCollecte de fondsAcquisition

Performance détaillée


XPM montre Haussier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes

Paire de négociation1h24h7j1m3m1a

XPM to USD Convertisseur


Historique des prix

Plus haut historique
195.60x to ATH
Plus bas historique
5.99x to ATL
Date de lancement du trading
11 Jul, 2013
il y a 4214 jours

À propos XPM

Primecoin is a cryptocurrency that was developed by Sunny King and his team. It is unique in that it delivers chains of prime numbers, making it the first cryptocurrency with this property. Primecoin aims to introduce new participants to the digital economy and provides a better choice for cryptocurrency miners, allowing them to benefit more from their mining activities while considering the environmental cost. Additionally, Primecoin has direct by-products, unlike Bitcoin, as it generates chains of prime numbers as a result of the mining process. Overall, Primecoin is a cryptocurrency that combines innovative mathematical properties with the goal of creating a decentralized and distributed data infrastructure for developers.

What makes Primecoin unique?

Primecoin has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. Firstly, it is the first cryptocurrency to introduce a proof-of-work algorithm that computes prime numbers, rather than cryptographic hash functions. This means that mining Primecoin produces chains of prime numbers as a by-product, giving it a meaningful and valuable output.
Additionally, Primecoin is naturally scarce, meaning that its supply is not artificially limited. This allows for its long-term continuity and the ability to adapt to market conditions.
Primecoin also offers a better choice for those interested in mining cryptocurrencies, as it provides more benefits and reduces environmental costs compared to other mining activities.
Overall, Primecoin combines the attractive qualities of Bitcoin with its unique features, making it a distinct and innovative cryptocurrency in the digital economy.

Données en direct du prix de Primecoin

Le prix actuel de Primecoin (XPM) est d'environ $0.04366, reflétant une diminution de -2.54% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de XPM au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $1,302.37. La capitalisation boursière de Primecoin est actuellement de $2.29 million, représentant environ < 0.01% de la capitalisation boursière totale des cryptomonnaies. L'offre en circulation de XPM est de 52.44 million.

Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de Primecoin au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur XPM, consultez notre page des insights crypto.

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