Logo DropsTab - ligne bleue représentant la forme d'une goutte d'eau avec une décoration de Noël
Cap. Marché$3.62 T 2.36%Volume 24h$163.60 B 97.94%BTC$101,998.98 3.43%ETH$3,679.49 1.08%S&P 500$5,973.10 0.52%Or$2,635.70 -0.19%Dominance BTC55.78%
  • #9323

Voice Street VST

VST Prix

Plage de prix--

Capitalisation boursière 

--Rang #9323


$4.82 MRang #4389


Abonnés X

AperçuÉchangesCollecte de fondsAcquisition

Performance détaillée


VST montre Baissier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes

Paire de négociation1h24h7j1m3m1a

VST to USD Convertisseur


Historique des prix

Plus haut historique
52.74x to ATH
Plus bas historique
1.58x to ATL
Date de lancement du trading
28 Jan, 2022
il y a 1074 jours


Exchanges type

PancakeSwap (v2)

À propos VST

Voice Street is a lab dedicated to bringing music to Web3.0 and building an on-chain infrastructure for music. It offers various products such as a music NFT platform, metaverse concerts, musician live-house virtual space customizations, and music-related games. Voice Street aims to maximize the value of music artists and their creations by developing on-chain music copyright, artist-related rights, and music platforms. They have already collaborated with over 30 musicians who have held exclusive concerts on the Voice Street Metaverse Concert platform. Additionally, Voice Street plans to invite IPs and celebrities to join the metaverse and build their own fan communities.

What makes Voice Street unique?

Voice Street stands out from other cryptocurrencies in several ways. Firstly, Voice Street focuses specifically on the music industry, offering a platform for musicians to tokenize their creations as NFTs and engage with their fans directly. This specialization sets Voice Street apart in the crypto space.
Additionally, Voice Street has developed an innovative concept called the Initial Music Offering (IMO). Through IMO, complete song copyrights are transformed into NFTs and fragmented into song tokens. This allows both the creators and fans holding music tokens to participate in the revenue generated by the music, creating a unique opportunity for fans to profit from supporting their favorite artists.
Furthermore, Voice Street has collaborated with over 30 musicians, providing them with a platform to hold exclusive concerts in the Voice Street Metaverse Concert. This integration of music and virtual reality enhances the fan experience and sets Voice Street apart as a platform that goes beyond traditional music streaming services.
Lastly, Voice Street has its own NFT trading platform, specifically designed for musicians. This platform simplifies the process of releasing NFT products for musicians and enables fans to support their favorite creators by purchasing their NFTs. This direct connection between creators and fans fosters a sharing economy within the Voice Street ecosystem.
Overall, Voice Street's focus on the music industry, the innovative IMO concept, integration with virtual reality, and dedicated NFT trading platform make it a unique and attractive option for musicians and music fans in the cryptocurrency space.

Données en direct du prix de Voice Street

Le prix actuel de Voice Street (VST) est d'environ $0.002412, reflétant une diminution de -0.33% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de VST au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $865.54.

Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de Voice Street au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur VST, consultez notre page des insights crypto.

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