Logo DropsTab - ligne bleue représentant la forme d'une goutte d'eau avec une décoration de Noël
Cap. Marché$2.88 T 2.00%Volume 24h$127.27 B 103.96%BTC$87,043.00 1.45%ETH$2,066.76 3.88%S&P 500$5,765.69 1.77%Or$3,011.33 -0.38%Dominance BTC59.97%

Taavet Hinrikus

  • Non évalué
  • #1337 parmi les investisseurs
ROI public 
💀 0.20x
  • Investissements totaux 

  • Investissements principaux 

  • ROI privé 

  • % listé sur Binance 
    0 of 3(0.00%)

  • Type 
    Angel Investor

  • Localisation 
    United Kingdom

À propos de Taavet Hinrikus

Taavet Hinrikus is co-founder and CEO of TransferWise. Prior to starting TransferWise, Taavet was Skype’s director of strategy until 2008, starting as its first-ever employee. One of the World Economic Forum's Tech Pioneers, Taavet is an adviser to Prime Minister of Estonia on the digital agenda. He’s also a mentor and angel investor; hisinvestments include Tweetdeck, Mendeley, OMGPOP, Property Partner, Sunrise, Improbable and Mapillary.
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Portefeuille d'investissements

$0.0077083.72%$82.34 M$184.70 M----$0.0390.20x
Entrepreneur First