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  • #7162

LSDx Finance LSD

LSD Cena

Zakres Cen--

Kapitalizacja Rynkowa 

--Ranga #7162


$1.21 MRanga #5349


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Szczegółowa Wydajność


LSD wykazuje Niedźwiedzi znaki w porównaniu z czołowymi kryptowalutami, wiodącymi kategoriami i blockchainami w różnych okresach czasu

Para Handlowa1h24h7d1m3m1y

LSD to USD Konwerter


Historia Ceny

Najwyższa Cena w Historii
611.57x to ATH
Najniższa Cena w Historii
1.04x to ATL
Data Rozpoczęcia Handlu
22 Mar, 2023
547 dni temu


Zobacz więcej
Cena ICO
Zebrane Fundusze
$2.00 M
Sprzedane Tokeny


Exchanges type

Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)


LSDx Finance is a decentralized lending protocol that aims to enhance liquidity and capital efficiency for LST (LSDx Token) holders. It utilizes ETHx as collateral and offers various features within its ecosystem. This includes LST Stableswap, which allows for minimal slippage swaps, and the DeFi Economy, where ETHx operates as a pegged ETH currency to improve capital efficiency. Additionally, the protocol offers Gauge Bribe, which incentivizes liquidity provision through protocol bribes. Overall, LSDx Finance aims to provide sustainable yield and utility to LST holders.

What makes LSDx Finance unique?

LSDx Finance is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in several ways:
1. Decentralized Lending Protocol: LSDx UM is a decentralized lending protocol that utilizes ETHx as collateral, allowing users to borrow and lend assets. This brings greater capital efficiency and utility to LST holders.
2. Stablecoin Utility: Within the LSDx ecosystem, ETHx operates as an LST ETH-pegged stablecoin, while UM is an interest-bearing stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. This provides stability and flexibility for users.
3. Enhanced Liquidity and Capital Efficiency: LSDx aims to enhance liquidity and capital efficiency for LST assets. Through the LST Stableswap, minimal slippage swaps are facilitated, and the DeFi economy ensures sustainable yield for users.
4. Protocol Owned Liquidity: LSDx introduces the concept of Protocol Owned Liquidity through its Gauge Bribe mechanism. This allows individuals who prioritize liquidity to earn rewards by providing liquidity to the protocol.
5. Minimal Slippage and Boosted Rewards: The ETHx Bridge Base Pool and other pools within the LSDx ecosystem ensure minimal slippage for LST assets, boosting rewards for ETHx stakers through trading fees.
Overall, LSDx Finance combines decentralized lending, stablecoin utility, enhanced liquidity, and innovative mechanisms like Protocol Owned Liquidity to provide a unique offering in the cryptocurrency space.

Dane Ceny na Żywo LSDx Finance

Aktualna cena LSDx Finance (LSD) wynosi około $0.00242, odzwierciedlając spadek o -5.95% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Wolumen handlu LSD w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynosi $22.47.

Aby uzyskać pełną listę giełd, odwiedź naszą stronę giełd kryptowalut. Aby zrozumieć wydajność LSDx Finance na przestrzeni czasu, rozważ zbadanie jego historii cen i ROI. Aby uzyskać dogłębną analizę i wgląd w LSD, sprawdź naszą stronę wglądu w kryptowaluty.

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