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  • #3644


TRYB Preço

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--Classific. #3644


$7.29 MClassific. #4393


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TRYB mostra Neutro comportamento contra as principais criptomoedas, categorias líderes e blockchains ao longo de vários períodos de tempo

Par de Negociação 1h24h7d1m3m1a

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Histórico de Preço

Máxima Histórica
6.31x to ATH
Mínima Histórica
1.24x to ATL
Data de início das negociações
15 Dec, 2019
1595 dias atrás

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Sobre TRYB

BiLira is a stable cryptocurrency that is pegged to the Turkish Lira. It is a digital asset that can be used by anyone, anytime and anywhere. BiLira offers stability as its value is equal to the Turkish Lira and is not affected by sudden price movements. It provides control to the users as they have the ability to transfer their BiLira tokens to their own digital wallets. BiLira aims to create a transparent and secure financial infrastructure for the future. Users can also explore decentralized finance (DeFi) by transferring their BiLira tokens to wallets such as Metamask, Argent, Dharma, or Avalanche. Opening a BiLira account is free and allows individuals to participate in alternative finance.

What makes BiLira unique?

BiLira is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies due to its specific characteristics. It is a stablecoin that is pegged to the Turkish Lira, meaning its value is always equivalent to the Turkish Lira. This stability makes it a reliable and predictable digital asset for users. Additionally, BiLira is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which provides a decentralized and transparent infrastructure for financial transactions. Users have full control over their BiLira tokens, as they can transfer them to their own digital wallets like Metamask, Argent, Dharma, or Avalanche. Overall, BiLira offers a secure, transparent, and easily accessible alternative for individuals looking to engage with decentralized finance (DeFi) and explore the world of cryptocurrencies.

Dados ao Vivo do Preço

O preço atual do(a) BiLira (TRYB) é aproximadamente $0.03047, aumentar 0.68% nas últimas 24 horas. O volume de negociações do(a) TRYB é de $1,327.08 nas últimas 24 horas.

Para obter uma lista completa de corretoras, visite nossa página de corretoras cripto, Para entender o desempenho de BiLira ao longo do tempo, considere explorar seu histórico de preços e ROI, Para uma análise aprofundada e insights sobre TRYB, confira nossa página de insights cripto,

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