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Valor de Mercado$3.64 T -1.54%Volume 24h$374.11 B -19.91%BTC$105,250.41 1.75%ETH$3,322.19 -0.71%S&P 500$6,035.57 0.65%Ouro$2,744.38 1.34%Dominância BTC57.15%

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$56,616.76Classific. #--


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ElvishMagic is a cryptocurrency project that offers a staking system, allowing users to earn passive income by holding ElvishMagic tokens. The project also features unique NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) with a design inspired by the Year of the Rabbit. The team behind ElvishMagic aims to create a roadmap that exceeds expectations and captivates its users with magnificent wonders.

What makes ElvishMagic unique?

ElvishMagic has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. One of its unique features is the ElvishMagic Stake System, which offers dynamic rewards based on time and stake holders. This system includes a boost feature that provides users with bonuses, increasing the amount of reward they receive. Additionally, ElvishMagic offers unique NFTs with a special design, particularly focusing on the Year of the Rabbit theme. Moreover, ElvishMagic has gained significant exposure by becoming a Gold Sponsor at the Crypto 306 Dubai Expo, allowing them to showcase their project to a wide audience of crypto enthusiasts, investors, and industry players.

Categoria Principal
BNB Chain Ecosystem

Ativos em Tendência