- #560
Bridged USDC (Arbitrum) USDC.E
USDC.E Preço
Faixa de preço--
$163.85 MClassific. #560FDV
$163.85 MClassific. #3048The Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) is the time when Reya Network bootstraps liquidity before the trading starts. As liquidity is essential for trading, we aim to attract as much of it as possible.
Ativos Relacionados
Visão Geral da Atividade
21 Apr, 2024 - TBA
Total de Fundos Arrecadados$16.00 M
Plataforma de Lançamento
Como Participar
- Go to reya.network/lge
- Click on “Reserve Boost”
- Connect your Wallet
- Deposit USDC or USDC.e and yearn XP
Links de Origem
🔥Atividades em Tendência
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