Логотип DropsTab - синяя линия, изображающая форму капли воды с рождественским украшением
Капитализация$2.40 T 1.76%Объем 24ч$58.36 B -20.84%BTC$63,626.43 0.80%ETH$3,313.25 5.04%S&P 500$5,099.70 0.00%Золото$2,337.93 0.00%Доминация BTC52.22%
  • #4362

Binance-Peg XRP XRP

XRP Цена

Ценовой диапазон--


--Ранг #4362


$107.68 MРанг #3204


Топ подписчики


Детализированная динамика цены


XRP показывает Медвежий признаки против топ криптовалют, ведущих категорий и блокчейнов за разные периоды времени

Торговая пара24ч

XRP to USD Конвертер


История цен

Макс. за все время
3.19x to ATH
Мин. за все время
1.80x to ATL
Дата начала торгов
13 May, 2021
1081 дней назад


Exchanges type


Описание XRP

Binance-Peg XRP is a form of XRP (the cryptocurrency associated with Ripple) that is issued by Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. It is a token that represents XRP and is pegged to its value. Binance-Peg XRP can be traded and held on the Binance exchange, allowing users to easily buy, sell, and trade XRP without the need for a separate XRP wallet. It provides liquidity and accessibility to the XRP market within the Binance ecosystem.

What makes Binance-Peg XRP unique?

Binance-Peg XRP is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in several ways. First, it is specifically designed for arbitrage trading, allowing traders to capture time-limited opportunities that may not be available with other digital assets. Its speed, low transaction costs, and reliability make it an ideal currency for market makers and traders to exploit price differences between exchanges.
Additionally, Binance has introduced various trading options and leveraged tokens for XRP, such as put, call, and straddle options, as well as leveraged tokens for both upward and downward movements. These features provide traders with more flexibility and opportunities to profit from XRP's price movements.
Furthermore, XRP stands out in terms of sustainability. Unlike other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which require energy-intensive mining practices to produce new tokens, all XRP tokens already exist. This means that no additional energy is needed to create more XRP tokens. This aspect contributes to XRP's sustainability and reduces its carbon footprint.
Overall, Binance-Peg XRP combines its unique features for arbitrage trading, a range of trading options, and its sustainable nature, making it stand out among other cryptocurrencies.

Данные в реальном времени

Текущая цена Binance-Peg XRP (XRP) составляет примерно $0.5202, и продемонстрировала рост 0.54% за последние 24 часа. Торговый объем XRP за последние 24 часа составил $35,760.64.

Чтобы увидеть полный список бирж, перейдите на нашу страницу Криптовалютных Бирж. Чтобы оценить ценовую динамику Binance-Peg XRP, рекомендуется изучить его историю цен и ROI. Для подробного анализа и информации о XRP, ознакомьтесь с нашей страницей аналитики криптовалют.

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