Логотип DropsTab - синяя линия, изображающая форму капли воды с рождественским украшением
Капитализация$2.33 T -1.33%Объем 24ч$85.93 B -13.41%BTC$66,961.76 -1.05%ETH$2,613.72 -1.67%S&P 500$5,854.49 -0.05%Золото$2,752.55 0.68%Доминация BTC56.88%
  • #3042

eXPerience Chain XPC

XPC Цена

Ценовой диапазон--


$569,317.59Ранг #3042


$707,596.63Ранг #6061


Топ подписчики


Детализированная динамика цены


XPC показывает Нейтральный поведение против топ криптовалют, ведущих категорий и блокчейнов за разные периоды времени

Торговая пара24ч

XPC to USD Конвертер


История цен

Макс. за все время
29.18x to ATH
Мин. за все время
2717x to ATL
Дата начала торгов
25 Feb, 2019
2066 дней назад

Описание XPC

eXPerience Chain (XPC) is an open-source project that aims to create a society where individuals can share and realize their experiences, thoughts, and ideas using XPC, a cryptocurrency. The project believes that using cryptocurrency should be a fun experience for individuals. The ultimate goal is to enable individuals to produce and consume experiences, thoughts, and ideas through XPC, which can further enhance their personal life assets. XPC is a community coin that can be used in various areas of daily life, and it serves as a tool for individuals to express and implement their ideas. Through Proof of Stake (PoS) mining practices, individuals can earn XPC without the need for expensive equipment, allowing them to send tips, make purchases, and participate in events. Overall, XPC aims to make experiences more valuable and interesting for its users.

What makes eXPerience Chain unique?

eXPerience Chain (XPC) distinguishes itself from other cryptocurrencies by focusing on the concept of individual experiences, thoughts, and ideas. The project aims to create a society where these experiences can be shared and realized through the use of XPC as a cryptocurrency. The team behind XPC believes that using cryptocurrency should be an enjoyable experience for individuals. By promoting the production and consumption of individual life assets through XPC, the project seeks to provide a unique value proposition compared to other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, XPC is built on the Bitcoin 0.17.0 base and incorporates features such as Age Burnable Proof of Stake (ABPoS) and Segwit.

Данные в реальном времени

Текущая цена eXPerience Chain (XPC) составляет примерно $0.00000625, и продемонстрировала падение -0.63% за последние 24 часа. Торговый объем XPC за последние 24 часа составил $9,889.51. Рыночная капитализация eXPerience Chain в настоящее время находится на отметке $569,317.59, что составляет примерно < 0.01% от общей капитализации рынка криптовалют. Общее предложение XPC составляет 91.09 миллиард.

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