Логотип DropsTab - синяя линия, изображающая форму капли воды с рождественским украшением
Капитализация$2.36 T -2.56%Объем 24ч$121.81 B 82.08%BTC$65,177.99 -0.88%ETH$3,403.13 -3.82%S&P 500$5,473.13 0.76%Золото$2,314.84 -0.13%Доминация BTC54.46%
  • #8342

Scaleton SCALE


Ценовой диапазон--


--Ранг #8342


--Ранг #12088


Топ подписчики


Детализированная динамика цены


SCALE показывает Бычий признаки против топ криптовалют, ведущих категорий и блокчейнов за разные периоды времени

Торговая пара24ч

SCALE to USD Конвертер


История цен

Макс. за все время
1.63x to ATH
Мин. за все время
19.90x to ATL
Дата начала торгов
17 Aug, 2023
305 дней назад


Exchanges type


Описание SCALE

Scaleton is an ecosystem built on top of the TON (Telegram Open Network) blockchain. It offers various services such as a decentralized exchange (DEX) called DeDust, a wallet, and SCALE, the native token of the Scaleton ecosystem. SCALE tokens can be earned through participating in the ecosystem's services. Scaleton also provides educational resources through Scaleton University to help users understand DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and the TON ecosystem. The ecosystem aims to provide fast and secure transactions with low fees.

What makes Scaleton unique?

Scaleton is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies for several reasons:
1. Scaleton is built on top of the TON blockchain, which is known for its fast and secure transactions. This ensures that users can enjoy efficient and reliable transactions within the Scaleton ecosystem.
2. Scaleton has its native token called $SCALE, which offers various benefits to its holders. Users can earn $SCALE rewards through a wide range of ecosystem services, providing them with incentives to participate and engage with the platform.
3. Scaleton offers a comprehensive ecosystem that includes a decentralized exchange (DEX), a wallet, and SCALE token. This integrated ecosystem allows users to easily manage their TON assets, swap tokens, farm, stake, and provide liquidity in a reliable and creative way.
4. Scaleton is committed to reducing fees, making it more accessible and cost-effective for users. The platform is focused on providing a smooth user experience and has implemented features like auto-routing to improve usability.
5. Scaleton provides educational resources through Scaleton University. This initiative aims to help users understand the basics of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the TON ecosystem, catering to both beginners and advanced users.
Overall, Scaleton stands out from other cryptocurrencies by offering a robust ecosystem, leveraging the TON blockchain's capabilities, providing incentives to token holders, and prioritizing user experience and education.

Данные в реальном времени

Текущая цена Scaleton (SCALE) составляет примерно $5.77, и продемонстрировала падение -7.49% за последние 24 часа. Торговый объем SCALE за последние 24 часа составил $18,924.92.

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