Логотип DropsTab - синяя линия, изображающая форму капли воды с рождественским украшением
Капитализация$2.35 T 0.76%Объем 24ч$98.38 B -0.29%BTC$67,949.22 0.77%ETH$2,634.12 0.39%S&P 500$5,842.31 -0.02%Золото$2,709.01 1.10%Доминация BTC57.24%
  • #4423

SparkPoint Fuel SFUEL


Ценовой диапазон--


$7,547.47Ранг #4423


$39,900.00Ранг #9834


Топ подписчики


Детализированная динамика цены


SFUEL показывает Медвежий признаки против топ криптовалют, ведущих категорий и блокчейнов за разные периоды времени

Торговая пара24ч

SFUEL to USD Конвертер


История цен

Макс. за все время
1656x to ATH
Мин. за все время
1.02x to ATL
Дата начала торгов
5 Jan, 2021
1382 дней назад


Exchanges type

PancakeSwap (v2)
$0.000266$116.59100.000%2ч. назад

Описание SFUEL

SparkPoint Fuel (SFUEL) is a token within the SparkPoint ecosystem. It is used as a utility token for various activities such as trading, participating in farming and pool staking, minting NFTs, bridging tokens, and participating in initial DEX offerings (IDO) on the SparkPoint decentralized exchange platform (SparkSwap). SFUEL plays a crucial role in facilitating transactions and providing access to the features and services offered by SparkPoint.

What makes SparkPoint Fuel unique?

SparkPoint Fuel (SFUEL) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies for several reasons:
1. Governance Token: SFUEL serves as the governance token of SparkPoint's ecosystem. Holders of SFUEL have voting rights and can participate in decision-making processes within the SparkPoint ecosystem. This gives SFUEL holders a say in the development and direction of the platform.
2. Utility Token: SFUEL is also a utility token within the SparkPoint ecosystem. It can be used for various purposes such as paying for transaction fees, accessing premium features and services, and participating in token swaps and other decentralized finance (DeFi) activities.
3. Integration with SparkPoint Wallet: SFUEL is natively supported in the SparkPoint Wallet, which is a non-custodial wallet app developed by SparkPoint. This integration allows users to conveniently store, manage, and transact SFUEL alongside other cryptocurrencies and tokens in the market.
4. Benefits and Rewards: SFUEL holders can enjoy exclusive benefits and rewards within the SparkPoint ecosystem. This can include discounts, airdrops, staking rewards, and access to exclusive events and promotions. These incentives aim to encourage engagement and loyalty among SFUEL holders.
Overall, SparkPoint Fuel stands out as a unique cryptocurrency due to its dual role as a governance token and utility token within the SparkPoint ecosystem, its integration with the SparkPoint Wallet, and the benefits and rewards it offers to its holders.

Данные в реальном времени

Текущая цена SparkPoint Fuel (SFUEL) составляет примерно $0.000266, и продемонстрировала рост 0.17% за последние 24 часа. Торговый объем SFUEL за последние 24 часа составил $116.59. Рыночная капитализация SparkPoint Fuel в настоящее время находится на отметке $7,547.47, что составляет примерно < 0.01% от общей капитализации рынка криптовалют. Общее предложение SFUEL составляет 28.37 миллион.

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