Логотип DropsTab - синяя линия, изображающая форму капли воды с рождественским украшением
Капитализация$2.41 T 2.02%Объем 24ч$55.78 B -20.75%BTC$64,284.10 1.56%ETH$3,180.80 3.04%S&P 500$5,128.11 0.00%Золото$2,313.76 0.49%Доминация BTC52.65%
  • #6526


USD+ Цена

Ценовой диапазон--


--Ранг #6526


$0.00Ранг #11392


Топ подписчики


Детализированная динамика цены


USD+ показывает Нейтральный поведение против топ криптовалют, ведущих категорий и блокчейнов за разные периоды времени

Торговая пара24ч

USD+ to USD Конвертер


История цен

Макс. за все время
1.43x to ATH
Мин. за все время
11.49x to ATL
Дата начала торгов
26 May, 2022
710 дней назад


Exchanges type

Uniswap V3 (Base)
Uniswap V3 (Arbitrum One)
Uniswap V3 (Polygon)

Описание USD+

USD+ is a cryptocurrency that is currently trading at a price of 1 USDC. It is actively working on being listed on various fund management and listing resources such as CMC, CoinGecko, DeBank, Zerion, etc. USD+ can be used in liquidity pools on Quickswap, specifically in the USD+/wMatic pool and USD+/wETH pool. USD+ aims to generate trading volume and profitability for Yield-Farmers on the chain, while also attracting more users to the platform. The CEO of USD+ has praised its risk-averse strategies and ability to provide users with 8-12% APYs. Overall, USD+ offers an alternative source of rewards for Yield-Farmers and is recognized for its profitability in the Gauge Pool category.

What makes USD+ unique?

USD+ has several unique qualities that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies.
Firstly, USD+ is specifically designed to enhance liquidity provisions within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. It aims to transform liquidity pools and make yield farming more profitable. This means that USD+ contributes to making liquidity provisions more lucrative and reduces the reliance on traditional farming tokens as the primary incentive for liquidity providers.
Additionally, USD+ has witnessed an increased trading volume over time, indicating its growing popularity and wider adoption. It has climbed to the third position among the Polygon dApps with the highest weekly volumes, highlighting its strong presence in the market.
Furthermore, USD+ has achieved the highest Total Value Locked (TVL) for a Liquidity Pool on Penrose, showcasing its effectiveness and attractiveness to liquidity providers. This indicates that the stablecoin is highly beneficial for liquidity providers and offers lucrative opportunities for them.
Overall, USD+ stands out due to its focus on enhancing liquidity provisions, its increasing trading volume, and its success in attracting liquidity providers. These factors contribute to its uniqueness in the cryptocurrency space.

Данные в реальном времени

Текущая цена USD+ (USD+) составляет примерно $1.00, и продемонстрировала рост 0.61% за последние 24 часа. Торговый объем USD+ за последние 24 часа составил $423.98.

Чтобы увидеть полный список бирж, перейдите на нашу страницу Криптовалютных Бирж. Чтобы оценить ценовую динамику USD+, рекомендуется изучить его историю цен и ROI. Для подробного анализа и информации о USD+, ознакомьтесь с нашей страницей аналитики криптовалют.


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